H Klinkenberg & Associates - Employee Risk Management Consultants

Specialists in:  stress audit, stress risk assessment, risk minimisation, stress management, diversity audit, sickness, absenteeism, employee relations, training, workshops, coaching, learning, development and motivation.

H Klinkenberg & Associates - Employee Risk Management Consultants

Specialists in:  stress audit, stress risk assessment, risk minimisation, stress management, diversity audit, sickness, absenteeism, employee relations, training, workshops, coaching, learning, development and motivation.

Tel: 01452 521008 Email Us Mail: associates@klinkenberg.co.uk

Employee Risk Management & Motivation

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H Klinkenberg & Associates 360° Assessment Version of the
HSE Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool

(Interactive MS Excel Spreadsheet - No Macros or VBA)

This HSE approved tool is based on the methodologies, questions and analysis used in the HSE Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool but has been adapted following user suggestions into a 360° analysis tool.

It is designed to allow you to assess whether the behaviours identified as effective for preventing and reducing stress at work are part of your manager's repertoire or not by inviting feedback from both the manager and their team. The aim is to help managers to reflect upon their own behaviour and management style and compare this to how their team members perceive their manager's management style.

The original tool was brought to you by the Health and Safety Executive in association with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Investors in People and can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/mcit.htm?ebul+stress/feb-09&cr=2