Angerwise -

Professional anger management clinic, therapy and guidance.

The anger clinic where you are taught to understand and manage your anger. You will learn how anger problems start, why the anger response is automatic and without conscious control, and how you can become more controlled and finally totally in control of your anger response.

Angerwise -

Professional anger management clinic, therapy and guidance.

The anger clinic where you are taught to understand and manage your anger. You will learn how anger problems start, why the anger response is automatic and without conscious control, and how you can become more controlled and finally totally in control of your anger response.

Professional Anger Management
Confidential Personal Anger Therapy

Anyone can become angry - that is so easy.

But to become angry with the right person,

to the right degree,

at the right time,

for the right purpose,

and in the right way -

that is not so easy.


Anger and Your Health

If you one of the many thousands of people who has sudden uncontrollable outbursts of destructive anger then you need to be aware that these uncontrollable emotions are highly destructive to your health and well-being.

Research has provided evidence that:

Aggressive personalities are over three times more susceptible to heart attacks, strokes and clogged arteries, plus they are significantly more likely to; smoke and drink, have high blood pressure (hypertension), have sleep and insomnia problems, suffer muscular tension injuries, experience persistent stress issues, have relationship problems, be divorced, be involved in road rage incidents, take risks, have a criminal record, be disliked and avoided at work, cause stress at work and die suddenly, often in their middle age.

If this sounds like you or a loved one, or someone you work with, it is not too late to make changes and prevent further damage. Health conditions, such as hypertension, can even be reversed.

If you are that angry person then you need to accept that you have a problem and that you must change.

Do it now before it is too late.

The Anger Management Programme

If you wish to become involved in an Angerwise Anger Management Programme you must understand that you will be required to commit to completing the programme. This can take a number of weeks or months and will require you to undertake some difficult, and possibly challenging, emotional exercises.

The programme is not a rigid inflexible process. Each programme is designed to meet the needs of the individual and the therapy sessions are arranged to suit client needs and commitments.

Many clients experience rapid results, however it is important that you understand that later stages of the anger management programme will test and reinforce the early success. Deciding that you are ‘cured’ after two or three standard sessions may result in a recurrence of the problem and a resistance to future therapeutic interventions.