Skonk :

Skonks are little skunk-like creatures, they never grow any taller than 10" tall.
Unlike their cousin the skunk, Skonks can't choose when to unleash their terrific stench, the poor things leak it out all the time. So much that it actually condenses on the tip of their tail and forms a thick green gooey mess which gets everywhere and is almost impossible to clean off!
The worst part is these creature can't even smell it themselves, they're completely ignorant to their pugent smell and so they often stray into areas where they aren't wanted - which is pretty much anywhere!

The life of a Skonk is very lonely, the little contact they have with other creatures doesn't last long and they're own species is actually endangered since the arrival of the Snofflers. The Snofflers were a bizarre species with no nose that appeared out of nowhere really. They're appearance was similar to a bloodhound, but without a nose. They fed on the Skonks like no creature has fed on anything before! It was thought that there may have been as little as 10 Skonks left in the world before they Snofflers died out. Though the Skonks fought back and produced a deadly toxin in their gloopy sepage wich poisoned the Snofflers and killed them out almost instanlty. A neat little defence mechanism indeed!

So after the near extinction of the skonk they are finally on the increase, though very slowly. No protection scheme can be put in place as only the skonks themselves can bear they're own smell, still with the recent evolution of deadly toxin there isn't really a need for one!