Pink Monkey :

Where as a monkey is not an unusual creature, the Pink Monkey is.

Firstly, it's pink, not many monkeys are entirely pink!

Secondly, it's ears are massive, though the actual bit that hears is tiny.
The ears are infact considered a delecasy in some countries, and indeed by some predators. However Pink Monkeys are incredibly hard to catch, beeing incredibly agile they can escape from almost any situation. Always handy if many consider you a tasty meal!

The only sensible way of catching a Pink Monkey is to befreind it, you will look a fool if you try to chase it or catch it in an elaborate trap and you will be mocked for beeing defeated by a monkey. Many who have befreinded the Pink Monkey in an attempt to catch it have befallen the secondary defense mechanism of the monkey - it's so hard to kill such a freindly and happy creature just for it's ears! So if you ever see someone who kills Pink Monkeys you will know not to mess with them!

In a recent survey it has been proved that the Pink Monkey is infact the most popular species of monkey, way above Chimps and Spider Monkeys! They even beat those little Cappachino Monkeys, you know the ones! Google it, they're pretty cute! But the Pink Monkey prevailed!