The Ink Spirit :

The Ink Spirit is not a creature any sane person would like to meet. Despite their gormless expression ans peacful appearance these creatures are killers!

Inks spirits inhabit the darkest spookiest woods you could imagine, floating aimlessly untill they find an unsuspecting prey. Once they find a suitable subject it will swirl around the prey rapidly make it very difficult to escape. It will then suddenly lauch it's attack, sucking out all the pigment from it's prey and feeding off it. The shock for most creatures is too much and instant death occurs leaving nothing but a pale corpse behind. However some creatures do survive, though not for long, the experience is so traumatic it is unlikely that the creature will last more than a week.
The ink spirit will then excrete any waste pigment out of small pores around the lower half of it's torso in a thick inky gloop which drips off it in trails behind.

It is said it you catch an ink spirit or meet one that doesn't attack you and you use it's ink to write your name on the paper-like tails in the back of it's head the ink spirit will remember you and you will be granted safe passage though it's territory.