Sleep Problems


Disturbed Sleep

The Problem

Are you getting a good night’s sleep? 4 in 10 of us are not, and 2 in 10 have significant health problems as a result.

If you suffer from sleep deprivation, your reaction times and ability to concentrate is worse than someone twice the drink drive alcohol limit.

Good sleep is a foundation health requirement. If you suffer from sleep deprivation, research has provided evidence that you will be more vulnerable to many health threatening conditions, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease and hypertension, plus a greatly reduced ability to cope with stress, pressure and everyday tasks.

Stress and poor sleep are linked. Increased stress and anxiety causes poor sleep and poor sleep causes increased stress and anxiety. A downward spiral can quickly develop.

Getting Help

Sleep management is one of my specialist skills. I am the Senior Sleep Therapist with Sleepwise. I also trained as a professional stress manager so can help you break out of a destructive downward sleep / stress / anxiety spiral.

As a Sleep Therapist I can help you resolve other issues that may be undermining your ability to get a good night’s sleep, including; diet, nutrition, exercise, the sleep environment, light, noise, etc. Plus I am able to guide you towards supplements and commercial sleep preparations known to be effective for improving sleep.

Some people find that resolving sleep problems and insomnia is far simpler than they expected, however for other people the situation is more complex and requires a combination of lifestyle changes, supplements, and good sleep practices to ensure a good night’s sleep.

If you think you have tried everything already don’t despair. I have helped many clients achieve a good night’s sleep when they were convinced that there was nothing left to try.